Astro Heroes inked

Posted by on Nov 1, 2011 in illustrations | 0 comments

The inked version of the Astro Heroes image. You’ll notice it has changed a bit from the penciled version, but it’s common to have some alterations between these two stages. It’s the best place to have them since it’s harder to change ink than pencil. For instance from the pencil to the ink stage, changes were requested – like the hair of the big guy in the background. Since he bears the Leo symbol, it was fitting to make his hair more wild and like a lions mane. Sometimes little alterations can change the dynamics of an image in a big way. It’s the little things that matter! Now check out the final colored version to see how color brings it to life.

This looks fantastic! I love the colors on the characters!… I can’t wait to put it up on the site! Thank you!
Rudy Luttich Astro Guild website/owner
