Posts Tagged "animated comic art"

Robin Hood

Posted by on Oct 31, 2011 in illustrations | 0 comments

A single image taken from the Robin Hood foundation animated comic, using their rendition of Robin Hood. As I explain in detail in the actual panel post, working on an animated comic takes much forethought, because you may wish to animate certain objects in the final animation, however, if things aren’t already detached or broken apart, as in the hand or the cape seen here, it may be much harder to animate them while still attached to a character. Anything that moves you may want to draw separate. If it’s not, you’ll be left with a void space, or lines that don’t...

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Robin Hood Panel

Posted by on Oct 31, 2011 in illustrations | 0 comments

W ork done on an animated comic in conjunction with Studio Mercenary, and Sole Suspect studios, for the Robin Hood foundation located in New York city. Looking at the final line work here you may be a bit confused as to what is actually going on and why some things are transparent. If you are at all familiar with animated comics you can understand the complexity that is involved. For instance, what you are actually looking at is three separate layers all placed together to give you the full view of the panel. The layers are separated into background, mid-ground, and foreground; and...

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Robin Hood sketches

Posted by on Oct 31, 2011 in illustrations | 0 comments

H ere are the preliminary sketches for the Robin Hood foundation animated comic panel. You can see the three different layers covering the background, mid-ground, and foreground- complete with an Errol Flynn statue- and how they work together to give the whole...

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